Effective business analysis

21.04.2020 Angelika Siczek
person doing a business analysis on a tablet

What are the companies doing business analysis for? First of all, in order to collect and interpret the data on the basis of which they will develop a business strategy, their structure, how information will be transmitted and to determine what resources they have at their disposal. Business analysis is therefore a cross-sectional study that allows you to understand the specifics of the company and meet its real needs.


Effective business analysis


What else is business intelligence for? Its process is the basis for the stage of implementing the e-commerce system appropriate for the company. Thanks to the results obtained in the research, you can specify the requirements for the sales platform, plan its design process and implementation. The results obtained during business analysis also affect the subsequent success of the designed sales tool, which will contribute to the development of B2B, B2C and omnichannel activities and thus help strengthen the position of the brand on the market of goods and services.


Where to start business analysis?

To ensure success when conducting business intelligence, the process must be properly planned. What you need to start with is a unique company survey. It refers to the key areas of the company’s operations, paying special attention to the main area of ​​the company’s operations, for example production, trade or distribution of goods. By selecting all the features of the company, you can design an e-commerce system closely adapted to your industry and business conditions.


What do you need to consider when conducting a unique enterprise survey? At the beginning you should focus on the company’s environment, dividing it into internal and external area. The company’s internal environment will be sales representatives, sales and purchasing employees and warehouse employees. Among the external environment we will distinguish customers, suppliers, service technicians and courier companies. In addition, it is necessary to specify the values ​​and goals of short and long term. Description of ways of functioning within the organizational structure. Selecting the main participants of the system (employees, customers, suppliers, service technicians, etc.), facilities operating as part of current processes and taking into account all currently used IT systems.


After completing the stage of the unique research of the enterprise, one proceeds to the right steps of business analysis.


How does effective business analysis work?

The most important rule when conducting any analytical activities is to ensure effective communication of the entire team of analysts with the client. All work is carried out in a cross-sectional and systematic way, one by one looking at the individual areas of the company. Thanks to this approach, the effects and preliminary results of the analysis can be seen after each stage of the work.


What steps does effective business analysis take into account?

– In-depth customer interviews – carried out on the basis of special scripts. They take place during a meeting with a client. They can take place during personal meetings or online, as well as during visits to the client’s company premises.


– A detailed study of key areas of the enterprise – this is work carried out by business analysts. They are based on the results of interviews, organization analysis and diagnostics of the IT system used so far.


– Involvement of people responsible for the subsequent implementation of the new e-commerce system – these are the employees who will be responsible for the operation and appearance of the system, e.g. Graphic Designer, UX Designer, developers and Project Manager.


– Creating a document with a precise list and description of solutions in the field of enterprise architecture.


– The use of created SIPOC diagrams that will help in selecting all elements of processes and people involved in them.


– Creating a system of detailed assessment of the usefulness of designed solutions in the e-commerce system.


– Work on a business analysis workboo that will present in detail the entire analysis process and set priorities in implementing the entire e-commerce system.


– Determining the scope of the project, i.e. the configuration method, functions used, the size of integration with other systems, how to exchange data, as well as the type of integration.


– Preparation of the project schedule, estimation of the work time and the budget needed as well as establishing the criteria for receiving the system by the client


– Creating a final document that will be understandable and adapted to the market, as well as in accordance with ISO standards.


What is the business analysis at the first stage of designing a dedicated e-commerce system?

At the very beginning, it should be emphasized that the activities of each company are diverse, which is why it requires an individual approach in the solution design process. Enterprises have different business goals, are guided by other internal arrangements and have more or less formalized processes that they implement in their activities. IT systems also operate differently due to the specifics of the enterprise. Thus, the functioning of each company consists of various areas that are key during distribution and commercial activities. These include the appearance of the offer, the way goods are ordered, sales, deliveries, warehouse services and, for example, the operation of the accounting and finance department. All of them relate to numerous processes, e.g. the method of logging into the account, registration of the request for quotation, complaint syntax, etc. Thanks to business analysis, we are able to systematize a group of these processes that will support B2B solutions and ensure the efficient operation of online stores, constituting the first stage of work on creating a dedicated sales platform.


By conducting business analysis, you can check all processes in the company in detail, looking at them from a three-dimensional perspective:


– Front-end – from the side of the target customer, i.e. simply a person shopping in an online store.


– Back-end – from the admin panel side (person managing the e-commerce platform).


– Integration with external systems used by the company, e.g. warehouse and accounting systems.


What are the benefits of business analysis?

A properly conducted, comprehensive business analysis enables the design of dedicated B2B solutions and online sales systems. This is due to the implementation of solutions that respond to the business goals of the enterprise.


We distinguish among the main benefits of business analysis:


– Determining the key business processes of the company.


– Determining the real needs and requirements of the enterprise industry.


– Determining the legal aspects that a company must adapt to in connection with ongoing processes.


– Determining the scope and schedule of design work when creating an e-commerce system.


– Designation of resources and the necessary budget to implement the project.


– Designation of people, objects and the most important processes of the company thanks to mapping the system.


– Possibility of insight into analytical work at every stage of research.


– Creating a detailed final document in accordance with ISO standards.



Do you want to conduct business analysis in your organization? Remember that you have to approach it professionally. A properly designed and reliably carried out business analysis process will help you learn the detailed requirements regarding the functioning and capabilities of the implemented e-commerce system at the design stage. This is a great convenience that will prevent complications that may occur in the future. This applies to requirements that you are aware of, as well as those completely unrelated to the purpose of the new system, but affecting its proper functioning. Properly conducted business analysis is not just a standard audit. It is above all an opportunity to learn in depth about the operation of the entire company and propose solutions for it that will enable it to achieve success through the implementation of a new e-commerce system.

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