Magento focuses on B2B through acquisitions of new technologies

04.06.2020 Angelika Siczek
Magento is acquiring new technologies to strengthen B2B

What is the main distinguishing feature of Magento Commerce? It is certainly a community creating a peculiar ecosystem, consisting of partners and programmers who support and constantly expand the sales platform. Thanks to this configuration of work, the tool is developed with new functions, and the originators themselves can be called the driving force of innovation, because it is often on their initiative that plans to introduce further solutions appear, significantly facilitating work in online sales.

One of the innovators can certainly include Accorin – a branch of Riddle & Bloom and Magento Business Solution Partner, which offers a full range of services with headquaters in Boston, USA. How do they work? They used their talents primarily to develop new approval options for their workflow B2B customers, while meeting the common requirements for all purchases in the B2B sector.


What characterizes the new B2B technologies at Magento?

B2B sales require a special approach that is definitely different from consumer sales. This is for obvious reasons – transactions between companies involve more products, are cyclical and often repeatable, and also amount to much higher amounts than purchases made by individual customers.

Accorin and Magento Commerce

To speed up the possibility of implementing a special B2B plan, Adobe has agreed to acquire Accorin’s new order approval technology. This technology will be expanded and included in the Magento Commerce platform, and its premiere will take place in 2020. It is extremely important from the perspective of the Magento company, because B2B sellers constitute its significant and growing part of the recipients. Accorin technology in Magento Commerce will therefore help programmers, and consequently also platform users, in further development and using the rich set of B2B functions already available in the tool. So, salespeople will be able to offer the convenience of online shopping while controlling the expenses and policies expected by their customers when conducting B2B transactions.

What exactly does Accorin technology offer to B2B customers? First of all, it allows them to freely control expenses and ensures compliance with corporate rules applicable to online shopping. Companies can therefore define their own flexible rules that determine when orders must be approved before sending them to the seller.

Order approval requirements can be set for all orders that exceed a certain value, quantity, or contain specific products. It all depends on the needs of the enterprise. New orders that require approval are automatically directed to the appropriate supervisory departments to streamline and streamline the entire process. Multiple approval levels are supported. In turn, APIs are available to enable integration with business systems already operating in the company, in which we have already defined approval rules. This possibility greatly facilitates work without the need for a revolution in all systems used.

When can changes be expected?

An overview of the new possibilities offered by the modernized order approval process will be presented at MagentoLive Europe during Breakout Session VI, October 23 between 11:15 and 12:00. We will receive more relevant information on the details of planned B2B improvements closer to the release date.

We are looking forward to new products that will appear in Magento Commerce thanks to Accorin. We hope that soon we will be able to offer them to our customers.

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