The biggest mistakes in omnichannel implementations

22.08.2019 Angelika Siczek
business person touching holograms of Internet symbol

Have you decided that you introduce omnichannel in your company? This is a great step forward, which will definitely bring profits. However, there is always some but … You have to remember that by making some mistakes your venture may end in failure or serious problems. Check out what the biggest mistakes in omnichannel implementations to avoid to be successful.

The ability to process orders online in a stationary store

Have you introduced the possibility of placing online orders as well as receiving and returning them to a stationary store? This is a very good move. However, remember that this does not mean that you can just rest, because the process of implementing the omnichannel is already completed. The concept of multi-channeling is not just about combining two co-existing channels, but about opening new ones in which the shopping experience will be the same as in the other – satisfying and pleasant for the customer.

So you have to make sure that in each sales channel you offer the same to the user, e.g. identical product prices, the possibility of booking between showrooms, sending goods between warehouses, sending to the customer, the same rules for rebates, promotions and the use of loyalty cards, consistent, but customer-specific means of communication with the channel, as well as identical service standards.

Destroying the ROPO effect

The ROPO effect means customer behavior consisting of searching for product information online and then buying it in a stationary store. Most large corporations, which definitely separate online and offline purchases, at all costs try to eliminate it to distribute profits and increase them, e.g. in one of the spheres. It should be remembered that in the omnichannel approach these two spheres must cooperate with each other, and one without the other should not function. Profits can be divided between online stores and stationary stores and properly prepared for such activities of employees. If they are properly motivated and engaged in action, they are more eager to take on new challenges.

Not handling complaints and returns from online transactions

Have you encountered a situation where the stationary store does not handle returns of goods purchased online? Or maybe you were mistreated when receiving your order online? Unfortunately, this type of situation still happens quite often. They are caused by communication errors between two sales departments, and often also creating excessive sales targets for the employees of the telephone customer service department. Through such activities, employees send consumers to showrooms, thus adding additional obligations to the salesmen working there. So this is another mistake in implementing omnichannel, which is the result of incorrect communication and unpreparedness for changes. Beware of it if you want to succeed.

Omnichannel is not for everyone

Despite the spreading popularity, it is worth remembering that omnichannel strategy is not advisable in every business. So before you start implementing it, analyze your products and the expectations of your customers. It may turn out that your customers willingly shop online with you, but they are less likely to visit your stationary store. Especially if, for example, you increase prices in it or do not take care of its proper location.

If you have doubts whether omnichannel strategy will work in your business, ask your customers about it. By carrying out surveys and interviews, you will receive all the information that is most relevant to you. Based on them, you will segment and determine the best strategy for yourself. Also remember to analyze your customers’ purchasing process and on this basis choose the right solutions for them.

What to do if the omnichannel does not work?

You sacrificed a lot of energy and resources, but the omnichannel strategy does not bring the expected results? Unfortunately, sometimes the greatest efforts go to waste. Remember that omnichannel is now becoming a standard in customer service. Therefore, its implementation does not guarantee 100% success and gaining competitive advantage. In addition, the strategy is largely based on working with your current clients who are loyal to your brand. Of course, this doesn’t mean you won’t get new ones. However, it is old consumers that are the foundation of your success and you need to focus on their needs when making changes. So if you skipped this stage and did not adapt to their expectations, they may be disappointed with the changes they did not expect and which are problematic for them. Take into account that the omnichannel strategy is largely geared to maintaining ties, not a way to chase new customers.

Copying others

There is no single correct omichannel strategy. Just because your competitor succeeded doesn’t mean that when you copy his idea, it will also work well. There is no recipe for this and it is not enough to just implement the IT system. Before you take action, carry out analyzes, studies, mapping the customer’s shopping path, take into account their needs and expectations and be prepared in terms of substance. Of course, you can rely on common solutions, but remember to always adapt them to your business. Even the best example of a successful omnichannel implementation may not work for you, because the company you are looking at may, for example, be at a different point in your development than you. Therefore, think carefully about your situation before taking action.

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