Benefits from implementing Symfony

07.07.2020 Angelika Siczek
benefits from symfony implementation

What is Symfony? This is a framework developed by Sensio Labs in 2011. Based on PHP language. It has been released under a free software license. So in this case, you can modify, copy, share, and even sell it after the changes. However, what is important in Symfony is the fact that it is easy to use, installed on most platforms, and also that it uses the object-oriented programming model. However, easy operation is not the only advantage of this framework. It brings a number of other benefits. Find out what you can get by betting on Symfony!



From a business point of view, thanks to the fact that Symfony enables the rapid creation of high-quality applications, the investor saves time and money. Optimization is a tedious process that is most often revealed at the end of the project. It is difficult and it takes time to finish the project.


Symfony has a huge number of plugins, which makes application development very fast. This significantly extends the configuration options. It also means a guarantee of compliance with the highest standards and modern application construction standards. In addition, this framework works on the principle of MVC (Model-View-Controller), i.e. it allows organizing the structure of applications with graphical user interfaces.



What makes Symfony simplify application development so much? First of all, the possibility of expansion from ready libraries. It can be installed and configured on most available platforms in an easy and intuitive way. It is very flexible due to its independence from the given database system and due to the ability to manage sessions and validate forms.



This framework also uses the scaffolding method. This means building on databases and the assumption that the developer creates a specification describing the structure in the database, and only the compiler generates code that can be read and updated in the database. This degree of automation not only removes the manual work from the programmer’s arms, but also minimizes the likelihood of making a mistake.


Three ways of programming

Application development can occur in three ways. You can use Full Stack if you need to expand the application with many functionalities. Brick by brick, if the framework is created according to the functionalities needed in the project or microframework, if you need to use specific functions in the project. It does not require programming everything from the beginning, but only selecting the necessary elements.



The Symfony package system, or bundle, is a plugin in other programs. Each of them introduces new possibilities and new options. Plugins can be used repeatedly, which means that they can be used in many different projects and shared with the needs of the community. This is another advantage and feature extending the flexible nature of this framework. Instead of a thorough rebuild, the plugin allows you to adjust the appearance of the project on an ongoing basis, without having to configure everything again.


Communities and creators

The Symfony Framework places a strong emphasis on good programming practices, and the developer’s philosophy is combined with a professional approach to application development. It is to serve not only the user, but also the programmer. However, the highest goal is to create the right software and the framework developers are aiming for it. Thanks to this approach, Symfony is a willingly chosen framework.


This system is supported by SensioLabs, which consists of a large community involved in the development of the framework. They have extensive experience in the industry and in the platform itself, so using their help and their extensions is a great convenience. Especially if the developer is waiting for the first project using Symfony. It is regularly updated and updates come out frequently. Users test it and try to fix subsequent patches, thanks to which the use of their software can be handled without unnecessary surprises.


Cashing management

Symfony has good cashing management. MySQL executes every query read by the framework. They sign up so you don’t have to follow these instructions again. You can also cash parts of the page. This reduces the number of queries per database. You can use this function for shopping cart or comments or login statuses.



The benefits are multiplied when describing each subsequent function of this framework. Great flexibility comes from being able to work on many different platforms, and the free software license provides unlimited expansion options. In addition, there is a large community that cares about Symfony development and designs additional add-ons, tests them and makes them available. This definitely makes it easier to build applications on this framework. Symfony does not consume large system resources or financial resources. The simplicity of construction translates into simplicity of programming, and this in turn on the speed of project progress. Symfony allows you to create complex company pages, and the applications built on it are compatible with most platforms. So, in addition to flexibility, there is also high compatibility. This framework is perfect for a wide variety of projects, and the amount of additional materials should encourage even programmers who have not dealt with it before.

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