The omnichannel strategy and success stories

17.06.2022 Angelika Siczek

Omnichannel is one of the hottest marketing buzzwords. The reason is apparent – that’s what customers expect. Implementing the omnichannel strategy will enable your business to grow dynamically and reach customers in a proven and effective manner. We will say a bit more about the omnichannel strategy. In the previous article on this, a topic we already discussed a few examples. Today we will show you our case studies on how implementing omnichannel looks and works in real life.

Let’s start with a quick definition: Omnichannel is a business strategy that’s especially willingly used in e-commerce. It’s all about integrating diverse communication and sales channels together in order to streamline the purchasing process and answer customer needs.

Omnichannel is a direct result of what the market expects. Today, the vast majority of customers use multiple channels simultaneously. That’s because each of them offers different benefits and can be used in different conditions. For instance: We use smartphones to discover products; we use laptops to place orders, and we go to brick-and-mortar stores to pick up the order placed online.

The role of e-commerce

E-commerce is growing dynamically and for a reason. Online shopping is quick, safe, and convenient. You don’t have to wait in lines, the choice is usually broader, and the prices – lower than in traditional stores. The customers are not limited by opening hours or the day of the week. You are just a few clicks away from purchasing the product you need. No wonder many retail chains moved online, and it positively affected their revenues. Today, combining online and offline sales is one of the foundations of the omnichannel model.

A good example of such a chain is our client – Neonet. The company operates about 300 stores across Poland, but it’s their online store that’s most impressive. Each month, they have over 4 million customers! See how we helped Neonet grow their online presence.

Omnichannel benefits

Probably the most significant benefit of operating in this model is virtually unlimited scalability. Omnichannel companies grow without hassle because they exploit new communication channels, are open to new markets and solutions, and, above all, observe and respond to market trends.

Here, is the best example. Our client, thanks to our help, experienced a whopping 100% increase in organic traffic. Such an impressive result was possible thanks to a proper approach to development. It was clearly visible in the executed strategy. NEO24 was even awarded in the Ranking of the Most Valuable Polish Brands.

Challenges of the omnichannel model

Of course, the benefits are compelling, but you have to keep the other side of the coin in mind. You will have to adjust your company to this model. Most likely, there are some organizational and procedural changes in sight. For instance, the logistics processes have to be adjusted for both online and offline sales. Some of your customers will pick up their order in store, while others will expect a courier delivery or to a parcel locker. This means new procedures and probably even new supply chains and distribution models. And lastly, omnichannel is a huge marketing challenge. You have to promote new channels and encourage customers to use them.

There are three-digit growths waiting for those that succeed. That’s what our other client, furniture store and wholesale, managed to achieve (traffic increase by almost 160%). So, is the investment really worth it? Undoubtedly!

Innovations in omnichannel

Omnichannel is sterling customer service, tailor-made procedures, many communication channels, and innovative solutions, i.a., technological ones. Today, customers expect to be able to:

  • Check inventory levels both online and in brick-and-mortar stores
  • Track their parcels from the warehouse up to handing out
  • Find out everything they want to know about the product
  • Place an order via a mobile device

All these features and solutions are obvious in omnichannel. Stores pursuing this strategy continually look for new services and solutions, e.g., chatbots and voicebots assisting customers 24/7. Yet another interesting solution is augmented reality (AR), which allows you to discover the product before buying it. For example, see how IKEA exploited this technology to boost online sales:


Lastly, omnichannel is also based on personalization and customization. Configurators are more and more common in e-commerce. They enable customers to adjust products to their needs and preferences. Here, we can mention Nike By You – a customization option introduced by Nike to help customers create their perfect sneakers or running shoes:


Our client,, an online store selling watches, allows customers to order engraving on the watches that they order. They can also select the packaging and insure the parcel. It’s a good illustration of understanding and responding to customer needs.


Omnichannel is a strategy that has everything it takes to increase your revenue and online presence. To benefit from it, though, you have to take care of several elements: 

  • Procedures adjusted to both online and offline operation
  • A well-thought-out marketing strategy
  • Technological solutions enabling exploiting diverse communication and sales channels


If you want for your store to benefit from the omnichannel strategy, contact our team today! We’ve helped many companies in conquering the online market. We will gladly help you as well! Drop us a line for details.

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