The usage of data bus to build SOA architecture

07.11.2019 Angelika Siczek
devices on the dark blue background

SOA architecture is a concept according to which IT systems are built for the user and the services he needs. This issue includes guidelines that define the business and IT relationship of the enterprise. Anything that can be considered a piece of software created for a functional purpose can be incorporated into the SOA architecture.

What is a data bus?

A data bus, otherwise known as a communication bus, deals with data transmission and communication within the system in general. In the company dealing with data handling, there will be a lot of internal and external communication. A well-functioning data bus will help to store and move data within the company. This in turn will affect better workflow and greater efficiency in the use and processing of information held.

The data bus, based on the assumptions of the SOA architecture, is a desirable product among companies processing large amounts of information. Unfortunately, many companies give up introducing such a solution due to the obligation of a large financial investment and fear of malfunctioning. In the past, there were examples of unsuccessful system integration in SOA architecture on data buses, hence the fear of accepting implementation. Despite recognizing such solutions as flexible and modern, companies are hesitating before the final decision. 

What are the assumptions of SOA?

The most important assumption of SOA is building from a service perspective. Instead of creating entire applications, the developers’ attention is focused on the components and pieces of software that will be as useful as possible. In addition, integration with the rest of the system or other applications is important. The applications created in this philosophy are designed from the beginning up with a view to reusability and connecting with the rest of the software. Each piece of software is responsible for a different function, but it will serve one company or even one service. 

Advantages of SOA architecture

The breakdown of the IT environment into individual components mainly serves the speed of operation. After the system is separated into logic and business sets instead of functioning as one big creation, its weight will decrease. This allows you to store the resulting fragments in the cloud or in SaaS applications. However, it is important that full cooperation and integration remain between these elements. If the system is constructed according to these guidelines, the automation of business processes will be easier and faster. An organization using a fast and flexible system can also respond quickly to customer queries. Productivity increases without slowing down customer service, which is “to be and not to be” for companies providing services based on IT systems.

Another advantage of having the system broken into individual elements is greater plasticity. Because it was built from the ground up with flexibility in mind, the expansion with additional products integrated with the rest of the services is a market advantage over companies using behemoth systems.

Although the introduction of SOA can be costly, it will certainly cut costs for system maintenance in the future. Reducing the redundancy and complexity of older systems is a great advantage for IT teams working on integrations. This will affect their performance and make the software more efficient in servicing and using.

The solution for the smooth introduction of SOA

Companies based on IT technology are reluctant to implement SOA. Most of these projects were carried out in a top-down manner, i.e. as a single initiative that changed the software of the entire organisation in one integration. The method of introducing changes was imposed by companies producing these solutions. Their implementation was based on many stages, lasting forever and required the work of highly qualified personnel for a long period. Hence the integration costs were huge.

And that still did not guarantee final success. After implementation, the company’s personnel with the new system had to learn how to use it, which also involved the costs of raising qualifications. The newly created system required the creation of special internal applications compliant with SOA principles. The problematic nature of this solution reaches developers, software recipients as well as the end customer.

Specific ESB products

The solution that will improve the introduction of SOA architecture will be a light, open source service rail. There are various products of this type on the market, such as Mule ESB or WSO2. The rail will support the supervision and management of the services provided without using extensive integration software packages, which are associated with high costs.

The introduction of ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) is quick and almost immediately ready for use. Around such a system, developers can gradually build services and applications with APIs, still bearing in mind the assumptions of SOA architecture. This means that the company can adapt SOA without reorganizing the entire IT environment. By using open source solutions, the implementation will have even greater flexibility in integrating many applications into one system. You can also enter the cloud storage method. Neither Mule ESB nor WSO2 introduces vender lock, i.e. does not make the customer dependent on his brand by creating an integration template or pattern.

Advantages of using the service bus

In integration projects, connecting systems must be fast, because they require many components that make up modern architecture. Companies wishing to use the API must design, build, manage and secure them, all during implementation on a regular basis.

Using Mule ESB or WSO2 ESB means reliable connectivity between systems and full API life cycle management within one platform. Business continuity thanks to monitoring tools results from using the service bus. For this purpose you can use built-in or external devices. The second group includes ELK Stack tools, which are popular among service bus users.

A well-made system based on the principles of SOA architecture and using a data bus is a big positive change for the company. This will involve some expenses and the implementation process in the characteristics of the environment, but in general the game is worth the candle. To facilitate the entire integration process and accelerate the moment when the system starts functioning, you should consider Mule ESB solutions. It gives full flexibility in further development, and integration possibilities are enormous. Choosing the right development partner is equally important, but the effect will definitely bring great financial benefits as well as liquidity and efficiency of the system. SOA architecture built on a data bus is certainly an option worth considering.

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