Top 5 best tools and services for e-commerce

10.01.2023 Angelika Siczek
shopping baskets

On the one hand, there is a huge potential in the e-commerce market, but on the other hand, it is necessary to be well versed in e-commerce`s trends, opportunities, familiar with Internet marketing to get the most out of this potential. Available e-commerce tools allow you to effectively navigate the entire online sales, and if well selected, properly used in relation to the profile of the e-store they will also help you stand out from the competition. Let’s see an overview of five e-commerce tools that perfectly support e-business promotion on the web.

#1 Droplo

The Droplo tool supports online stores by integrating them with wholesalers and manufacturers. The revolutionary nature of this tool comes from the fact that it makes it possible to take off with online sales at almost no apparent cost, and with little time. This is because Droplo enables sales based on dropshipping, a model in which the confection is transferred to the wholesaler, or manufacturer. Thus, it fully automates many, key processes for running an e-business. The solution that Droplo offers synchronizes databases, as well as provides a huge assortment of products that can be on offer in an online store in a matter of moments. What’s more, Droplo is constantly being developed, so more synchronizations are coming, and the database is being expanded.

#2 Google Analytics

It’s probably hard to find anyone who deals with the e-commerce industry who hasn’t already heard of the tool that Google makes available for free. Google Analytics is a very powerful tool that is great for performing even the most complex analysis of websites, including those that allow online shopping. With its help we can check basically every activity that users perform in the store. We will check how they navigate the site, when they most often abandon the shopping cart, where the most traffic comes from, the popularity of this or that product, etc. The data that Google Analytics collects is not just for gaining theoretical knowledge, this information allows you to take appropriate action to optimize the site and any e-marketing moves. The data gained is to translate into obtaining higher conversion rates, i.e. profit, as a result.

#3 SurferSEO

It is a very popular and eagerly used tool around the world, which will help you manage the optimization of your content for SEO. The tool analyzes the texts that are to appear later on the blog and suggests what keyword phrases should appear in it, how to construct headlines, or how many percent of the text is optimized to perform at its best. SurferSEO provides a number of very useful features. The tool is equipped with a SERP analyzer and details the parameters on the first page of Google’s search engine. Here we have access to a very intuitive content editor that will analyze the expected key phrases that should be included in the text. The program will also analyze the competition and can serve as a content planner.

#4 Livechat

Tools for e-commerce are very diverse and support sales at basically every possible contact point between the seller and the e-consumer. One tool that facilitates user interaction is Livechat. It is a kind of online customer service, which also allows you to carry out activities in the area of online marketing, as well as analyzing website traffic. Livechat allows direct communication with users who are currently browsing the website. The communication is done via chat and is designed to support e-business in three areas:

  • sales – in the chat window we can always propose a specific service or product, and we have the ability to set up and track sales targets,
  • support – we are available to the user, the customer at every stage of browsing the store’s offer. So we can support him in making the best choice, explain incomprehensible issues, we can also ask him to leave feedback,
  • automation – Livechat also has a ChatBot feature to automate customer service.


#5 SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb allows you to efficiently and accurately find the websites of your direct competitors. The tool will compare stores that are most similar to our website in design, functionality or assortment. SimilarWeb also allows you to track the data associated with the indicated sites. We will find out the value of visits to a given online store, as well as learn in detail about purchase paths. With the help of this tool, it will be possible to define those solutions that are most effective in a given industry.

These are just a few of the e-commerce tools we have access to when selling online. They are helpful and there is a reason why many e-commerce sites use them. Analytics, sales support, ongoing customer service, content optimization for SEO and many other spaces need to be properly addressed in order to remain competitive with other established online stores.

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