Creating sitemap in Magento

20.11.2013 Angelika Siczek

1. How to create Google sitemap in Magento by myself ?

Sitemap for most people is understandable and all of us have heard of it, nevertheless, it is worth to speak in few words about its meaning. Well, sitemap is nothing else than one of the easiest sitemap diretectors as well as aims to create special points which will make the user follow them and in the effect of this action filter unnecessary information as to get to the desired source. Basic sitemap function are few XML files, introducing URL links list which contains all information as like last update and its frequency. Considering that, browsers become intelligent devices which easily function at any Internet websites. It is not rare to hear Google Sitemap term but the scheme for XML map protocole is not combined only with Google. Hence, it may be used with different places, but it comes of Google Webmaster Tools and Yahoo! Site Explorer.


2. How to create sitemap ? Step-by-step.

The very first thing that has to be done is to create sitemap file in Magento as this contains basic element which informs Magento platform about the sitemap name and location. Following, it is necessary to log in the administration panel and search for Cataloque -> Google Mapsite and then check if the source file has been saved and if it’s already active. For example, we are interested with creating sitemap for URL:

As to do it properly, follow the steps :

  • FTP to the server

  • Create sitemap folder

  • Chmod the folder to 777

  • Now we can create new sitemap in the abovementioned localization.

Previous actions on some servers will not be required but it is more safe to create a folder as a first so as Magento could edit it. Now we should move to the panel, next Cataloque and to the Google SiteMap. Next click “Add sitemap” button and select default attributes.

Now, Magento has just been informed about the place of the sitemap location despite of the fact that it is not ready yet.


3. Configure Sitemap

Sitemap can be configured from the interface System -> Configuration -> Catalog->Google Sitemap. If you are not sure what does it all mean, check XML Tag definitions section from “Sitemaps XML format” document.

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