Installation of magento accessories

05.06.2013 Angelika Siczek
One of the key advantages of Magento in contrast to e-commerce platforms written by individual companies is the ability to access a myriad of add-ons that allow you to swiftly expand the functionality of your store, even the functionality of automatically reminding customers about abandoned shopping carts or implementing a loyalty program in your store. Unfortunately, installing add-ons still is a problem for many administrators. I developed a simple summary of how to install the supplement from the official Magento website – magentocommerce.
To stay on the safe side before the installation, clear the cache in the var/cache folder by deleting the entire contents of the folder, then disable store caching in the tab: System -> Cache management, select all options, select the disable option from the drop-down list and click send, thus avoiding the circumstances in which we would not see changes after installation as a result of loading of old page files.
It is also essential to disable compilation. That function is located in the System -> Tools -> Compilation tab which will help us eliminate potential problems in case of conflict with other additions.
Before installing the add-on it is necessary to make a backup database and store files.
Then, using the System -> Magento Connect -> Manage Magento Connect tool after logging in to the administrator data, we can proceed to the installation by pointing to a computer or link from the disk Magento – after creating the account and logging in on the Magento website.
Before installing, it is necessary to pay attention to the version to be installed – in our Magento Connect we can choose the Stable Beta or Alpha version in the Settings tab. The bad selection of the version can also affect the fact that the add-on will not install correctly.
After installation, click Refresh and we can return to the administration panel. Now it’s best to log out and log in again so that you can see the settings of our add-on which should add to the panel. If everything works correctly, we can enable compilations and cashing the online store.

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