Magento extensions installation

26.09.2013 Angelika Siczek

One of the most significant Magento advantages in comparison with e-commerce authorized platforms is an access to the numberless amount of different extensions which enable for quick store functionalities widening as for example lost baskets reminder or customer loyalty program implementation. Unfortunately, in many cases installing many adds contains a problem. In accordance with the above, I have created easy summary of an official Magento website add installation- magentocommerce.


Just in case, delete cache which are placed in var/cache file by deleting each file element and turn-off store caching by choosing the System bookmark. After You found “Cache management” please select all options and from the rolled-out list select “Turn off” and “Send”. By this procedure You will prevent the process from the situation in which You may not see the changes which appears after the installation process as an old website files would be loaded.


It is also necessary to turn off the compilation. You can find this function by moving through the following bookmarks “System”-> Tools-> Compilation. This will eliminate possible problems possible to appear while compiling with another adds.


Before an installation it is necessary to do the backup of both database and store files.


Next, by selecting System -> Magento Connect -> Manage the Magento Connect and logging in with adminstrator’s datas You will be able to begin an installation process by pointing the package or link which we are able to get by Magento website -> First You have to sign up and log in.


Before You start installation, please check the proper version of an add installation. Our Magento Connect enables us to select Stable Bets or Alpha in Settings bookmark. Wrong selection may wrongly influence an add installation process.


After when installation is already done, select “refresh” and You are finally back on the administration panel. Now the best thing to do is to log out and log In again as if an installation went well. If all works properly, You can turn compilations and caschings back.

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