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What significantly wins in the optimisation of mobile transactions? It is above all simplicity. This is evidenced by the results of research conducted by the Mobile eCommerce Optimisation Initiative. They were received thanks to the initiative of cooperation of the Magneto community with PayPal, HiConversion and the eCommerce System Integrators community.
The Magento sellers who participated in the initiative continued optimisation experiments in the last quarter of 2018. Thanks to this, they have noticed a steady increase in revenues per visitor. By implementing the optimisation of the product deletion process, sellers noticed an average increase in RPV by 8.6%.
The holiday season in 2018 was record-breaking. Adobe Analytics report that consumers spent $125.91 billion in November and December. And 7.9 billion dollars on Cyber Monday. Unfortunately, purchases made by mobile devices accounted for only 36% of this sale, although more than half (54%) of online shoppers used a mobile phone to browse available goods.
So in order to not belong to the Magento stores, whose customers choose online shopping only using desktop computers, it is worth spending time and optimising your site for mobile devices and engaging in a cooperation initiative. Because the key to increase mobile conversions is to simplify and streamline transactions.
Is it difficult to focus on work when there is noise around you? Similarly, users of mobile devices who make online transactions have to go through a long and complicated shopping process. As a result, it happens that their motivation to buy a given product decreases along the way. So they give up and leave the store. To prevent this, all unnecessarily distorting factors must be eliminated. Thanks to this, the customer will be able to easily go from browsing the product to making a payment.
How to simplify the purchasing process or remove its possible disruptions? Check what subjects say about it.
To increase the number of conversions, reduce the number of items in the page header with the shopping cart.
In the conducted experiments, the name of the products contained in the basket has been simplified so that they contain as few elements as possible and do not distract the user from shopping.
The sellers who took part in the research first removed all the elements that were unnecessary in the headline when finalising purchases, and then slowly added them back to determine the optimal number of possible words in the headline (information).
The experiment allowed retailers to increase RPV for 6% for smartphones, as well as receive positive results for desktop computers and tablets. As anticipated – the simplification has increased the number of conversions.
Do you use rebate coupons to increase sales and encourage customers to return to your website? Unfortunately, in some cases, such tactics can harm conversion. It turns out that instead of encouraging the customer, the place to enter the code from the rebate coupon makes the customer leave the store in order to find a discount and never return to the site to complete shopping.
In the conducted experiment, giving the above results, the field for introducing the discount coupon was present, but in a small format. Thanks to such a solution, the attention of the buyer is prevented, while maintaining the popular sales tactics.
Thanks to the experiment on mobile devices, an average increase in PRV was obtained by 8%. This points to the fact that small or collapsible fields for entering a rebate code do not discourage shopping and rebate coupons.
Do you like to read complicated operating instructions? There is a few fans of such activities. This is the case with consumers – shopping, or having everything served on a tray. E-commerce sellers with excessively complex transaction processes, lose approximately 236 billion dollars per year, according to the PYMNTS Checkout Conversion Index. Which are “painless” and invisible.
Automatic update of the basket content, consisting in updating the quantity and price of articles added to it inrease conversion. Why?
Ecommerce customers want to make their purchases fast and do not require a lot of effort. If you want, you can do it with one product. If they give up one product or add another one, they want to quickly see the final quantity and price of the products thrown into the basket. Automatic updates of the amount and content eliminates the need to manually refresh and update the contents of the basket, thus facilitating the process of shopping.
In the research confirming the above assumptions, the sellers who used the automatic update of the basket content noted a significant improvement in conversions. The introduction of this change resulted in an average PRC increase of 3% for mobile devices and 32% of PRV for desktop computers.
Impulsive buying is a popular shopping style among visitors to online stores. This is on one condition – if the transaction is quick and easy to make. So let’s add a floating (appearing when hovering over the product) checkout button wherever it is not immediately visible on the screen.
This type of button in a subtle way urges buyers to finalise the purchase, thus helping to increase the conversion rate. Adding a floating cash register button provides customers with a quickly available purchase path.
However, the results of the research are not conclusive on this issue. Experimenters received different results. About 1/3 of sellers obtained an average increase in PRV by 9%, but 25% reported slight decreases or increases by +/- 2.5%. More detailed research has shown that 61% of sellers with only one button on the site recorded an increase in PRV. While only 32% of traders with two or more buttons obtained positive results. For this reason, the sentences are divided.
Magento system integrators and Magento resellers can optimise mobile cash registers at a fast pace and without the use of large financial outlays. The results of the Mobile eCommerce Optimisation Initiative show that even small changes in the transaction process significantly affect the conversion rates for smartphones.
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