Report form the polish magento conference

01.12.2012 Angelika Siczek
On November 23-24 the first official Magento conference in Poland took place. The meeting was an opportunity to exchange experiences and business contacts. The events organized at the Mariott hotel were very well prepared in terms of organization. The guest list included companies from other countries, including Germany and even Ghana.
The participants had the opportunity to get interesting information regarding the implementation of Magento in Castorama or TIM, the largest cable distributor in Poland, as well as the methods of implementation and optimization of Magento in terms of search engines. International companies presented ways to properly ensure system version control during deployment, including using tools like GIT.
PayU introduced a new payment module for Magento, which in my opinion is still a bit underdeveloped, with the possibility of creating an account directly in PayU.
Another highlight was the participation of members of the official team working on the development of Magento, who shared their plans, including, among other things, rewriting almost all of the code from the beginning to the new second version of Magento, based largely on jQuery. The new version is to be faster and more intuitive in implementations for programmers. Additionally, the full system documentation is to be created along with the second version. We will probably need to wait for the new version until the end of next year. At the same time, the original version of the system is said to still be developed.
The conference also gave the possibility of passing the Magento Certified Developer certificate.

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