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For me web 3.0 it’s not more than knowledge about customers interesting, their social profiles, and purchasing profiles. At the time when Facebook gets everybody knowledge about its users, there is nothing else as use it to better relation with customers. That’s the moment we can match offer to particular users, put the offer in place when users spend free time – in social media.
Best example is Amazon, which connect Facebook user profile with Amazon account and for instance recommended birthday gift for your friends. Amazon on community-based behavior promotes products, which fit to user profile. This is real e-commerce web 3.0 revolution.
Other example can be geotargeting, which if will be using in the right way can let pick up the customers from competitors. Maybe in short time will be possible situation that client who enter to real tearoom get sms with offer online store with tea. You can think that it’s impossible but even now are projects like Foursquare, when restaurants are able to offer special discount to people who are going near restaurant.
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