How Adobe Sensei can help you develop your business

14.08.2023 Katarzyna Zajchowska

Sensei AI is a solution that combines artificial intelligence and machine learning mechanisms. It is an innovative tool that allows you to enrich your personal digital experience and almost unlimited use of the technology in question in many aspects of digital reality. How does the tool affect productivity and creativity in e-business? 

Use of Adobe Sensei GenAI in analytics 

The Sensei AI mechanism is an extremely useful tool that facilitates data collection and analysis. The collected information makes it easier and faster to make decisions about further steps in many areas and aspects of e-commerce business. 

The key function that the creators of Sensei AI took care of is the ability to conduct analyses in real-time. These, in turn, provide the option of the ongoing optimization of further actions and activities based on customer behavior identified by appropriate attributes and factors. Materials created using Adobe products take into account all collected data, which results in adapting the published materials to specific target audiences.1 

Complementing Sensei with AI in all major Adobe products increases the credibility and reliability of data used to analyze the next steps in e-marketing activities. AI not only collects this information but also analyses, optimizes, and facilitates planning.2 

Below is an example of Performance Statistics: 


Adobe Sensei AI as an effective marketing tool 

How does Adobe Sensei AI make marketing activities more effective? Primarily on the basis of the collected data, it enables the division of customers into segments, to which personalized content can then be assigned. Data is also transformed into content that AI generates. The tool supports creativity and content scaling in a way that is dynamic, harmonious, and consistent with the brand.  

Adobe Sensei AI enables you with the following features: 

  • Tracking all digital interactions on Customer Journey in your online store 
  • Improving customer segmentation 
  • Improving work on new content 
  • Automatic tagging of resources 
  • Creating campaigns based on tracked customer behavior and preferences 
  • Recommending appropriate products to them 
  • Faster testing of new content in terms of customer behavior and experience.3 

The graphic below shows the course of the Customer Journey with the help of Adobe Sensei AI: 


Streamlining business processes and using the e-business’s advertising budget 

Thanks to Adobe Sensei AI, employees can analyze various budget scenarios and optimize them automatically thanks to the numerous criteria. On the other hand, advertising campaigns that are already running can be monitored with the help of this Sensei mechanism for easier optimization to increase sales.4 

Adobe Sensei AI in the documentation development process 

The digital circulation of e-commerce documentation significantly improves work and ensures the correct flow of information (e.g., a contract for the performance of specific services or the sale of particular products). 

Adobe Sensei AI makes it easy to create, develop, and manage documentation in a way that visually encourages users and customers to complete them. They are supplemented with the form field recognition function (e.g., purchase form, subscribing to the newsletter, contact form). 

What does the development of a document look like in practice? 

  1. It is scanned, e.g., with a phone, and then it is appropriately cropped and corrected 
  1. From the library level, you can select images and convert them to PDF 
  1. Contact details are detected in a scanned document 
  1. The readability of the text is improved and unnecessary shadows and other distractions that make it difficult to read the content are removed.5 

The example below shows the possibility of using Sensei AI in document scanning: 


Positive impact on creativity in every e-commerce business process 

Adobe Sensei AI allows you to focus on details and refine them. It increases the intuitiveness of searching for the necessary stock photos, editing them, and further experimenting with the created project. Tools equipped with Sensei AI allow you to quickly perform time-consuming tasks and focus on freedom and creativity in design. It increases the competitiveness of e-commerce businesses on the market and makes it possible to stand out and be remembered by customers.6 

Final thoughts on Adobe Sensei AI 

Adobe Sensei AI is an innovative mechanism that significantly increases the effectiveness of marketing and advertising campaigns in the e-commerce business. Thus, it allows for increased time savings while improving productivity and directing the team’s energy to achieve project goals, such as greater brand recognition, higher ROI, and tailoring the e-commerce offer to specific customers and their needs. 

Would you like to use Adobe Sensei in your company? Reach out today, we’re happy to help you! 







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